Argotik | |
General management Web 2.0 Application (SaaS). Currently adapting it for Gymnastique sur Table TCP Inc.
Propulsé | |
Internet Membership Follow Up System. (Perl et MySQL).
NeuroQuest | |
Lab research on transgenics animals system. (ASP, Orable, PL/SQL).
MindSet | |
Natural dynamic conceptualization system. This software has been on the market since 1997
and is used to develop Internet search engines.
À Priori | |
Priority management support software. This application converts temporally distributed events and
reorganizes them based on their current relative priority. It is very handy for people who
want to optimize their time and effort while studying. It could be adapted for the
manufacturing industry.
Lui-Même | |
Emerging consciousness via an application. A challenge.